Friday, 25 September 2015

Gooey Goodness!

These students are hard working, diligent and most of all they come to school with such a positive attitude.  So deserving!

Banana, marshmallows and chocolate wrapped up in tin foil and cooked on top of a hobo stove... 
Mmmmmmm delicious!

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Our Tama Toa Exam

Tama Toa Exam

On the 23rd of September Levi and I had our Tama Toa exam. Mr Maddren, Mrs Crompton and Whaea Raewyn came to watch and also some of the Year 5 students. We began with a karakia and a blessing for the tiaha.  The exam was an awesome battle of defence, strikes and counter strikes.  At the end Matua Phillip gave out the certificates and announced who had earned the taiha.  We were both really excited.  I was so proud when he announced me as the winner!

Monday, 21 September 2015

Book Week Grand Finale

The Book Parade marked the end of our bi-annual Book Week.  Staff, students and visitors came dressed up as their favourite book character.

Students began working on their costumes throughout the week, some began weeks before.  Guest judges gave marks for creativity and originality, before announcing the winners.  Congratulations to Sela, Watson and Melinda and thank you to Raewyn for all her help!  No matter who won, it was great to see so many students and staff take part.  Thank you Jeremiah for being our photographer. Wish I could have been there.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Guest Readers

Some of our guest readers who took time out from their busy day to celebrate Book Week and share their love of reading with us!

Kid President - Pep Talk about Teamwork and Leadership (Something to think about)

Monday, 14 September 2015

Coding and Cyber Safety

Room 21 has been learning about online safety and coding. For coding Mrs Pasirio gave us a URL link and our secret code or picture. We entered our URL to link to a page with your name and other names of people in our group. When we clicked on our name and typed down our secret code or picture it would take us to our first hour of code. A video clip showed and the tutorial began.  It explained the basic skills of computer programming and how to use certain commands to control the Angry Bird or zombie.  

For online safety we had to get in three groups and go on an app called Poplets and type down what online safety means to us.  Then Mrs Pasirio handed out two sheets, one sheet was to highlight the keys words and the other sheet was for us to rotate around so we could write down our opinion of what we think about the questions on the sheet.  We had four minutes on each station before we had to rotate until we all had a turn at answering each question. After break we watched a video clip about cyber safety and online strangers. It was about a cat called Professor Garfield telling us about not sharing our YAPPY. Your YAPPY is your full name, address, phone number, passwords and your plans, so that means that you can share your hobbies and other things you enjoy as long as you don't give away your YAPPY. It was fun learning about online safety and coding because we will be already prepared
so we know how to keep safe from strangers online, when we make an account and when we might become a famous online person from all our coding. 


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Thursday, 10 September 2015

Fathers day


Sunday 6th of September was Fathers day. My dad was filled with joy when my sister and I said happy Fathers day. It was so cool because there was a big breakfast on the table for him. After he finished breakfast we had to quickly get ready to go out shopping. First we went to check the Why Not Stop Shop really quickly to hunt for bargains. We came out with 2 humongous boxes and a couple of little boxes. As we were heading to Manukau  my cousin and I were singing like nobody's business. As we were walking into Hallensteins we searched as if it was a scavenger hunt to find the right suit for my Gang Gang, but sadly their was nothing for his type. The lady said to my Nana to check Farmers. As we were walking into Farmers we were searching for the right aisle. My cousin and I saw some children our age playing with these funny cards that sang songs about how yummy and tasty they were. The accent of the cupcake was hilarious. The icing of the cupcake was vibrating. After that my cousin and I were looking for my Nana and sister. When we saw them we got told off and told to go to the car. When we went home we gave my dad and Gang Gang their presents and they were so happy. For dinner we had a giant B.B.Q to celebrate Fathers Day.

Our Trip to MOTAT

Did you know MOTAT stands for Museum Of Transport And Technology? On Friday August  the 28th Rooms 21, 19 and 16 went to MOTAT to see and learn about simple machines such as a wedge, screw,wheel and axle,lever,pulley and inclined plane. My favourite place was the village and the school because my group and I were acting like we were working at school and in the jail we were faking cutting our head off.

Lazer Maze
When it was time to go to the Lazer Maze there was a long line of people queuing up to gain entry. Only 2-3 people could go into the Lazer Maze at one time.  It was one of my favourites because it was like I was a thief that was robbing a bank and I had to get to the other side to get the money. It felt like there was a fire in the room of lazers, it smelt like smoke and steam and it looked like lazers moving in circles and smoke everywhere floating like lily pads on water.

Get Smart Exhibition
After our group finished on the playground we went to a big aged brick building that was like a grand library but it was not a library. When we walked in the sliding door we saw a long, narrow plastic pole that was filled with air. We kept on walking and as we got further in we saw a massive circular screen covered with grids filled with photos. When I took a picture with Joseph the small screen was scanning our faces then it showed a big picture of us like we were famous people on tv.

Durring our class lesson at MOTAT I learned that a screw can also be a lid on a bottle, and a wheel on its own is not useful because it needs something to keep them together and help them move in the same direction like a Wheel And Axle otherwise it's not a simple machine.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Super Stars for Week 7

Each day the students work towards earning points for themselves and their group.  At the end of the week the group with the most points wins a group treat and the 3 classdojo students with the most points get to pick something from the treasure box.

Top Group:
Table 4 with 48,800 points

Top Dojo Students:
Jeremiah - 34
Melinda - 33
Joseph - 30