Welcome Back to School for 2016
School times are: 8.55am to 2.55pm
Stationery Lists have been sent home. Packs for each Year level can be purchased from school.
Yr 5/6 packs - $27
School fess - 1 child $40, family $60
Technology fee - $12
Book bags - $3.50
Portfolio - $3.50
If you wish to purchase stationery from somewhere else, they will need:
1B8 x7
1A8 x1
1E5 with margins x1
1E5 without margins x1
Notebook x1
1B4 x1
HB Pencil x4
Rubber x2
Glue stick x2
Blue pen x2
Red pen x2
Ruler x2
Pencil sharpener x1
Highlighter x1
6B Art pencil x1
Colouring pencils
End of Year Shared Lunch
Room 21 will be having a shared lunch on Friday
11th December. Bring a plate of food to share with the rest of the
class. Drinks will be provided.
Student manager books and Camp books will be coming home on Tuesday 8th December.
Reports will be sent home on Friday 11th December.
Senior School Prize Giving
Senior School Camp
Camp was a lot of hard work and a whole lot of fun. Thank you to all the parent helpers who took time out to help out!
Rest up parents and we might see you same place in 2 years:)
Each day the students work towards earning points for themselves and their group. At the end of the week the group with the most points wins a group treat and the 3 classdojo students with the most points get to pick something from the treasure box.
Table 4 with 52, 400 points
Top Dojo Students:
Top Dojo Students:
Jeremiah - 40
Melinda - 39
Joseph - 35
Melinda - 39
Joseph - 35
All Year 6 students who will be attending MI need to get their enrollment forms in by Friday!!!
Camp forms need to be returned as soon as possible, even if you are not going to camp :)

Camp is coming up in Term 4! 15 students from our class have returned their forms and paid a deposit. Great Job!!!
If you were away or for some reason you need another form, there are some on the notice board, otherwise come and see me and I'll get you one asap. More information will be coming.
If you were away or for some reason you need another form, there are some on the notice board, otherwise come and see me and I'll get you one asap. More information will be coming.
Can't wait, so much FUN!!!
Camp Raffle
There will be a small hamper up for grabs. Tickets will be on sale this week. All the money raised will go towards camp!
For the next 5 weeks the Senior School will be learning about Simple Machines. As part of our topic we will be going to MOTAT, where the students will explore past and present machinery and take part in a specialised interactive lesson.
Information letters and permission slips have been sent home over the last 3 weeks. Lots of students have returned their permission slip and money. If you haven't yet, you still have time to return it this week!
Rm's 19, 21 and students from Rm 16 will be attending MOTAT on Friday 28th August.
We have Mrs Warren and James and Elizabeth's mums helping us on the day!
Find out some of the things happening at MOTAT - click the link below.
As part of our school choir our very own Jeremiah, Shicouner, Brooke and Elizabeth will be taking part in the Diversity Musical Festival next Tuesday 25th August at 7.30pm at the Vodafone Events Centre, Great South Road Manukau. Tickets cost: $10 per adult, $5 per child, $25 family ticket (2 adults, 2 children). Get your family together and go down to support our rising talents. They may be famous one day!!!

Leabank Supports Cancer Research
Throughout the week you can purchase a daffodil for a gold coin donation. The money we raise goes to a very important cause. The school will be having a Yellow Mufti Day on Friday 28th August. Remember that we are going to MOTAT on that day, so we will not be able to wear mufti, but you can still purchase a daffodil for a gold coin donation.

Camp is coming up in Term 4! Some general information was sent out last week and we have had quite a few of you return your forms with the deposit. If you were away or for some reason you need another form, there are some on the notice board, otherwise come and see me and I'll get you one asap. More information will be coming.
Can't wait, so much FUN!!!
Thank you Miss Pasirio for putting this up.
ReplyDeleteI'm being in your class next year. I can't wait. I like meeting new friends. I will miss my own. I will be happy to do hard work.