Friday, 9 December 2016



today the year 6's had there graduation it was a lot of fun.
we had a special speaker come and say thing his name was ofisa tonu'u he was a he was a new Zealand rugby union player for the under 20's he came to tell us about believing and character then after that Anastaisa and uilli come and do there acknowledgment speech . finally we did the haka we did tika tonu .After that we went  outside for a group photo everyone took pictures a while after that we had lunch it was delicious in the middle of us eating the bell rang but we could still eat.

Monday, 22 August 2016


First the rock wall... 

then the mountain!

Image result for edmund hillary quote

Friday, 29 July 2016

Leabank's Olympic Bake Day

Olympic Bake Sale

This term we had an Olympic Bake Sale.
All the classes in the senior school baked special treats for everyone to buy.
Each class had a stand set up in the hall filled with cakes, slices, biscuits, muffins, cupcakes, lollies and drinks.  Our class made delicious, gooey rice crackle, chocolate fudge cake and Moro bars slice. Everyone's food was so yummy that we nearly sold out before the Year 5 and 6 students even got there.  Lucky we were able to buy ice-cream at break two.  Just for Year 5 and 6.
It was so much fun and everyone made a really big effort.  All the money raised goes to Camp 2017!!!

Saturday, 11 June 2016

interschool rugby

Interschool rugby

It was fun and challenging while we were paying rugby.
We were split into two teams the 1st team was the overs, the 2nd team was the under 50kgs.
 We lost most our games but at least we tried our best.
Team 1 won the finals even though they lost some games,
 it was a fun experience.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Samoan language week!

Samoan Language Week!

This week is Samoan language week! I brought something that was rather fascinating and I wanted every one excited and pumped up.  I brought the national dress of Samoa, the puletasi.  The patterns on it represents the chief's daughter. The top is nice and long with short sleeves. The skirt is also long, you wrap it around your waste so that the top over laps it. You can wear the puletasi when going to White Sunday.  I also brought a Samoan weapon which was used by Princess Nafanua in a Samoan legend.  She used it to defend her people.  She also used another weapon to sleep on and another one to dance with her father. In her time things really were fascinating.

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Keep our school clean

Teachers have been noticing heaps of rubbish lately, so why not encourage people to help keep our school, community and world clean.  We can do it! 

Make Leabank school a better place!!!

                                                                    don't litter please

Keeping Ourselves Safe

Keeping Ourselves safe is not a hard thing if you are a confident kid because confident kids make good decisions, but if your not a confident kid then that's OK because you can make good decisions thinking about your choices and possible consequences.  One of the ways we can keep ourselves safe is by using the crossing to cross the road. 

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Interschool Soccer

Interschool Soccer Tournament

We had lots of fun competing against other schools.  I was in Team 2 and we made it all the way to the finals, but we lost to the Gardens School.  I was the only one that scored in the final game for my team.

Travel wise

Travel wise

Travelwise helps to make sure everyone learns how to be safe on their way to school and on their way home.  At the Travelwise workshop we learnt how to ride bikes safely, how to identify problems at our school and how to stop them from happening.  We worked together to find ways we can help keep safe when travelling to school.  We had lots of fun meeting kids from other schools and participating in exciting activities.


Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Water Safety - Life Jackets

Zip, Click and Huddle

We practised using life jackets.  We learnt to fit them properly and stay afloat.  We practised using our body heat to keep warm.  We  even got to practise rescuing our buddies.

Friday, 6 May 2016

End of Term Celebration!

                               Rainbow's End

On the last week of Term 1 we went to Rainbow's End as part of our topic 'Adventure Tourism' and to have an adventure of a life time! It was awesome! I hope we get to go there again. 

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Young Leaders in Room 21

A huge congratulations to Sara, Joey and Dillon.  They have been selected to be Young Leaders for 2016.  The expectations are high as they follow in the footsteps of past Young Leaders.  It is their chance to prove themselves as leaders and become positive role models for present and future students of Leabank Primary School.

What makes a good leader?

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Monday, 1 February 2016


It's been a scorching summer.  I hope everyone had a fabulous holiday and are all refreshed and revved up to have a successful year.  It's always a bit sad to say goodbye to past students, but I'm looking forward to seeing lots of fresh faces in Room 21 this year.  School starts back Tuesday 2nd February at 8.55am.  See you there!

Important Messages - from them to you

What does Leabank mean to you?

Leabank to me is somewhere I could make friends and learn how to do things and about stuff I never knew.  Leabank has prepared me for next year and encouraged me to become a better person in the future.

“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl but whatever you do keep moving forward.” Martin Luther King
To me Leabank means making lots of cool friends and having good teachers who encourage us to challenge ourselves.

“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the things you can think up if only you try!” Dr Seuss
To me Leabank means having courage and taking responsibility for my actions and behaviour.

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” Winston Churchill
“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” Sir Winston Churchill
To me leabank means friends, family, honesty, kindness and trust.
“You have brains in your head, you have feet  in your shoes ,you can steer yourself in any direction you choose.” Dr seuss

Leabank means being challenged with experiences, being given the opportunity to prove myself as a good Young Leader and graduate as a proud Year 6.  The best thing that has helped me at Leabank is my teachers and especially my friends.

Leabank to me feels like home, making new friends and making people want to learn.  It is about preparing us and keeping us on track for the future.  It is about encouraging us to try!

“We were born to be real not to be perfect.”

When you start together you finish together and if you dream it you will achieve it and together you will be unstoppable. When life gets too hard to stand, kneel. Through hard work determination and perseverance you can the best we all can be the best we can! (Mykal and Iavana Seuala)    
Leabank to me feels like a family because we look after each other. School may be hard annoying and irritating, but admit it, you’re going to miss it when it ENDS. Friendship in school is not something you learn, but if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship you really haven’t learnt anything.
Leabank is trying new things and not giving up.
“If you never did, you should.  These things are fun and fun is good.”
Dr seuss

To me leabank means home because all my friends treat me like family.
Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten. Leabank means family to me because we encourage each other.  

“When life changes to be harder, Change yourself to be stronger.”
To me leabank means family and family means that no one feels left out or feels like they don’t  belong here.

Leabank is like a good friend - hard to leave and impossible to forget. Leabank is inspiring to children by making them feel safe and at home.