Thursday, 5 November 2015

Becoming a People Saver

Remembering our DRS ABC can save lives!

D - Danger            (Check for things that can harm you)
R - Response         (Squeeze the shoulder and call out 'Can you hear me?')
S - Send for help   (Get help from an adult or by calling 111)
A - Airway            (Make sure the airway is clear)
B - Breathing        (Can you feel breathe on your cheek? Can you see the chest rising up and down?                                    Can you hear them breathing?)
C - Circulation      (Rest, elevate and apply pressure if they are bleeding badly)


  1. I think that was cool and now I am a PEOPLES SAVER!!!!!

  2. I had such exciting experience learning about the DRSABC

  3. we had tons of fun learning about the DRSABC

  4. We had a great time learinig about what DRSABC is we all had fun learning how to become a people savers

  5. We had a great time learinig about what DRSABC is we all had fun learning how to become a people savers

  6. we learnt ablot of things that can help save peoples lives

  7. its fun learning how to be a people saver and a first aid person


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